about me 🤠
Long story short...
My favorite superhero is Batman, I use a MacBook Pro, and I think penguins are amazing animals 🐧.
I am from Holmdel, NJ, and am now in Philly for college.
Last summer, I went to New York City and joined MongoDB as a 2022 Software Engineer Intern 💻!
me and penn 🤡
Barring virtual classes and faulty Zoom links, I've had a great time in college!
Right now, I am a Team Lead and Backend Engineer for Penn Labs, a product development club. I am also a CIS121 TA, which is the university's Data Structures and Algorithms course.
Last year, I had the opportunity to join the Wharton VIP-X program, which is a selective entrepreneurial accelerator program at Penn. There, my friends and I grew our non-profit healthcare startup with the help of advisors, entrepreneurial talks, and seed funding. For more info about this, check out Altrui Rx!
College has opened my eyes to fields I never thought I would study. Coursewise, I was exposed to the likes of philosophy, capitalism, human computation, and even design principles! From my theory-based coursework to my application-heavy extracurriculars, I am so fortunate to be able to learn from multiple fields and gain amazing friends along the way 😃.
technologies 📱
I thought it would be more legible if I just listed them 😅. Each category is ordered by level of understanding (I am most experienced with the left-most item).
Languages: Python, C++, Java, JavaScript, C, SQL, OCaml
Frameworks: Django, Flask, React, Express, Next, Numpy, Pandas, Redux
Software Services: AWS (EC2, S3, ECS, ECR, RDS), Git, Postman, MongoDB, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, Jira, Amazon MTurk, Figma
for fun 🥳
On campus, I really enjoy going out and trying new restaurants. Fun fact: my favorite food is pizza 🍕!
Recently, I have gotten into watching food-related videos such as Ramsay in 10, numerous fried chicken sandwich reviews, and Mikey Chen vlogs.
Other than that, I like hanging out with my friends, whether that be going on walks, driving around, playing board games, or teaming up on League of Legends!
I am also really big into movies and TV shows (thriller, action, adventure, sci-fi, romance, anime, kdrama... you name it!), and I listen to Spotify for at least 90 minutes a day 🎵.